Winter solstice felt more significant than usual this year. I celebrated by creating a series of photographs at night using the available light in my living room. As time became short in the run-up to Christmas, I stole a few hours each subsequent morning to continue working with these images.
I surprised myself. That sequence of images could have kept me going with source material for months. The endless possibilities for processing and blending created unique images that began to form a whole.
I’m interested in where the boundaries lie? Where is the line drawn? Will the camera be recognised as a tool for creation rather than a mechanism for recording?
I’ve never been able to draw or paint although I’ve spent many years thinking about both. Somehow, by thinking about them rather than doing them, they remain safely in my imagination. This way I avoid the disappointment of committing pen to paper, seeing the reality of the results, that bear no resemblance to those in my mind, and needing to quickly despatch them to the bin.
In the past few months I’ve begun to work with my camera in a different way. I’m gradually discovering that I can create images that cross the line between photography and painting.
I’m interested to see where this journey working abstractly will lead me. For now, I’m inspired by the work I’m creating as I step deeper into this process.