When I finally got this site together I had every intention of posting at least once a week. That didn’t last long - I’ve already gone from every four days to once in three weeks.
I haven't had much time to focus (sorry - it’s an unavoidable pun) on my photographic work lately although last week I managed to escape for a couple of days to Skegness. I loved every second of being out on my own with a camera. The trip has helped me begin to consolidate my connection with photography.
I’ve recognised that I’m neither a landscape or nature photographer. In the past couple of years I've created a considerable body of work in these areas but decided to remove them because they're not what I'm about.
Covid restrictions meant I’ve been mostly taking photos of trees, fields, sunsets and the sea simplly because these are what surround me.
Embarking on a trip for the explicit purpose of taking photographs rather than just snatching an hour of two locally has been a revelation. It’s something I have to do more of - the photographs I want are not here.
At the end of my trip I had a choice of driving home via Stamford or Corby. I hadn't been to either but imagined Stamford would be similar to Holt, near to where I live in Norfolk. I decided on Corby.
There was decay and desolation with no sign of imminent recovery. I found it overwhelming. I walked around with my camera but didn’t feel comfortable. It was fine for me to breeze in, take my photographs and leave, but why was I doing it?
I’m still thinking about this a week later. I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this if I wasn’t in such a fortunate place. Perhaps being aware of this is what matters - I don’t know?
The Corby detour has helped me start to consolidate - I feel I’m getting closer to understanding something…
consolidate | kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt | verb [with object ]
1 make (something) physically stronger or more solid: the first phase of the project is to consolidate the outside walls.
2 strengthen (one's position or power): the company consolidated its position in the international market.
3 combine (a number of things) into a single more effective or coherent whole: all manufacturing activities have been consolidated in new premises.